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TrainerTiff: My 5 Favorite Kitchen Tools >

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My 5 Favorite Kitchen Tools

1. Blender. This comes in handy for all those protein shakes I make that include frozen fruit.

2. Measuring Cup. I like to know exactly how much of something I'm eating. This helps me keep track of my calories.

3. Food Scale. I know not everyone has one of these, but it really helps. I like using it to measure my chicken or other proteins to make sure I'm getting a proper serving. You can get these really cheap too, like around $5.

4. Foreman Grill. I couldn't live without this! Who knew one little appliance could make your life so much easier? When I'm crunched for time, it's easy to just throw on a chicken breast and have it done in minutes.

5. Plastic Storage Conatiners. Well, I don't think this is really classified as a tool, but is another thing I couldn't live without. Small containers help tons when taking my meals with me for the day. I definitely recommend buying a brand new set just to use for your to-go meals.

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