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TrainerTiff: 2010 >

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Considering a Gluten-Free Diet?

If you've ever taken a stroll through your grocery store's health section, then I'm sure you've seen all of the gluten-free products -- there's everything from pasta to ketchup.

I’ve been picking up on a random buzz about gluten-free diets. It seems like this is one of those fat-loss fads that people are exploring.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back in the Gym After Giving Birth

I can’t believe it’s been eight months since I've been to the gym.

After giving birth to twins seven weeks ago, I’m ready to get back in shape -- 30 pounds of baby weight has got to go!

It’s been quite an adjustment to go from working out regularly to not at all, especially because I didn't have a choice. I know some pregnant women are able to exercise all throughout their pregnancies, but I was not one of them.