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TrainerTiff: May 2014 >

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

No Added Sugar Challenge

Photo by Mykl Roventine on Flickr
It's that time again ... challenge time. I want to test your ability to go without added sugar for ten days. Are you up for this? Do you think you can handle it? Sounds fairly easy, right?

Not so fast.

The Katie Couric movie Fed Up, highlights how prevalent sugar is in our food system. It's added everywhere. When you hear "no added sugar," you may immediately think, "oh, that's fine, I just won't add sugar to my coffee or my cereal." Well yes, but it goes much deeper than that. It's obvious that sugar is in desserts like cookies and ice-cream, but it's also found in harmless seeming foods like bread, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, ketchup, crackers, and a whole lot of other foods.

Check out Katie Couric talking about the challenge below. #FedUpChallenge 

Read the ingredients list. Sugar goes by many different names, so be sure to avoid the following:

For ten days, challenge yourself to give up sugar completely. I'm starting today, Wednesday, May 28. Afterwards, I'll put up a post on how my ten days went. I'll be using the hashtag #tiffs10day on Instagram so you can see what I'm eating. You should also use this hashtag so I can see what you're eating. 

Let's do this together -- as a team. We can do this! 

Even if you find this post after I've started the challenge, start your challenge at any point.