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TrainerTiff: Food Journal Sun 3/22 >

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Food Journal Sun 3/22

10:00 (~300 calories)
1 whole egg, 1 egg white
2 slices low sodium bacon
1/4 cup grits

2:00 (400 calories)
1/2 turkey sandwich on w.w.
salad w/ egg, turkey, 2% cheese, light diluted ranch dressing

6:00 (210 calories)
1 Apex bar

9:45 (300 calories)
salad w/ egg, turkey, 2% cheese, light diluted ranch dressing

Approximate totals
Calories: 1210 calories
Protein: 75g
Carbs: ~50g (not counting lettuce)

morning: 40 min cardio on eliptical
afternoon: 90 min yoga class
evening: 30 min stairmaster, total body weights

Rundown: Today was a good eating day. My workout was really heavy, for a couple of reasons. One, I ate too much yesterday and I'm days from my trip. So, I was really motivated to put it a lot of work today. I'll take it, because not every day I feel like doing all of that.

Weight: Saturday weigh in: 135.5 lbs and 19.8% bodyfat. It looks like I hit a wall. I had some slip ups these last couple of weeks which explains why my weight and bodyfat has remained the same and not gone down (like I would have liked). Ah well. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with the total progress I've made. I started at 144 lbs and at 23% bodyfat. So, I've dropped 9 lbs and reduced my bodyfat by about 4% in 3 months. Not too shabby, if I may say so myself. Plus, what I'm really happy about is that my diet was not super strict. I allowed myself to have goodies here and there. The key was to stick with my workouts and have more good days than bad. And it worked. Now that I only have 4 days before I leave for my trip, I am still going to stick to a healthy diet and fit in cardio and probably one more day for weight training.

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