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TrainerTiff: Nope. I'm Not Perfect >

Monday, February 13, 2012

Nope. I'm Not Perfect

Photo by Mylyn Ramos on Flickr
I never advocate perfection. Let's face it -- it's unattainable, nobody's perfect.

Over the weekend I indulged in some goodies that won't appear on anybody's list of diet foods. Potato skins, fried cheese and McDonald's -- oh yes. I indulged.


The Hubby, twins and I decided to go out and stray away from our usual diet of fruit, veggies and baked meats.

Our first intention was to try out Joe's Farm Grill -- essentially a burger joint complete with all the delicious sides like french fries and onion rings. But what's great about Joe's is that they use fresh and natural ingredients that come from the farm situated right behind the restaurant -- a neat aspect that probably added to the reasons why they were featured on Food Network's "Diners, Drive-in and Dives."

But when we got there, the line was way out of the door! We were too hungry to wait. So, we decided we'll have to try Joe's another day.

After a short drive, we ended up at Chili's. There wasn't a wait and they quickly accommodated our table with two high chairs for the little ones.

We started with mozzarella sticks and potato skins. I love potato skins and was just about in heaven. But, in an effort to not be totally ridiculous, I had a salad for my main meal.


The indulgence continues. For lunch, the boys and I picked up some lunch to drop off to Hubby who had to go into work.

We stopped at Phoenicia Cafe, a Middle Eastern restaurant, which has recently been added to my list of places for good food. Back home in Michigan, I was a little spoiled because there are a lot of Middle Eastern restaurants and I could easily have my favorite, a chicken shawarma sandwich. But since moving from Michigan and living in several different states, it has been tough finding places that make a good shawarma, until now.

After picking up the food and dropping off to Hubby, I decided I wanted something sweet. So, I stopped at McDonald's (gasp!). I had never tried any of their McCafe coffee drinks. And since I wanted a little caffeine and something sweet, I thought it ought to do the trick.

Unfortunately, the coffee was way too sweet for me. I never thought this was possible, but it actually tasted like fast-food coffee -- all super sugary syrup and hardly any coffee taste.

That's it. That wraps up my weekend of indulging in fried foods, sweets and bad food combinations. As I write this, it's Monday and I've been back on track. Fruit in the morning and a giant salad for lunch.

It is important to realize that you're not perfect and as such, you won't eat perfectly all of the time.

Make sure you eat well the majority of the time, that way when you do indulge it's not so bad. And for goodness sake, don't allow a little indulgence turn into weeks and months of ongoing indulgences.

Find a balance that works for you -- and for your goals.

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