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TrainerTiff: Don't Let a Good Lemon Go Bad >

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Don't Let a Good Lemon Go Bad

Thanks to our awesome neighbors, we recently came into an overabundance of citrus. You see, they have lemon and grapefruit trees and they gave us a huge box of each. Sweet!

Breakfast started to consist of grapefruit, lots of it -- and it made its way to the juicer and into green smoothies.

But after a few days the lemons weren't moving as quickly and I thought, "wow, there is no way we'll get through all of these before they go bad." Even after giving some away, we still had so many. So, I decided to freeze the lemon juice.

This is a great way to save lemons. If you have some lemons that are about to go bad or if you end up like me with a huge box full of them, juice the lemons and freeze the juice in ice trays. Store the cubes in a  large zip lock bag in the freezer. Then you'll have access to fresh lemon juice for all sorts of things -- lemon water, hot water with lemon, salad dressings, marinades, lemonade, use it in homemade guacamole instead of lime, anything that requires lemon juice.

Check it out!

Each cube yields 2 tablespoons of lemon juice 

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