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TrainerTiff: French Bread Tomato Pizza >

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

French Bread Tomato Pizza

Let's face it. We all like pizza. I have not met a single person that doesn't like the baked bread, tomato sauce and melted cheese treat.

If you're going to have pizza, because I know you are -- at least make it yourself. Going the homemade route gives you the ability to control what's going in and on your belly.

Restaurant varieties tend to be really greasy and loaded with fat. The bread is heavy with oil and they use a lot of cheese. The fattening pepperoni, sausage and bacon toppings make it even worse.

When we want this treat at our house, I always make it fresh and vegetarian. It's really not that tough. In fact when I started making my own, I couldn't believe how easy it was and how much better I felt after having it as compared with a restaurant version.

I have a bunch of combinations that I've whipped up. I even make a homemade whole wheat blend dough. I'll be sure to post some of my other creations in the future. But for now, let me share with you how I make this delicious french bread tomato pizza. Check it out!

1 store bought fresh french bread loaf
1 can tomato paste
1 cup water (more or less)
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
2 teaspoons minced garlic
3-4 Roma tomatoes, sliced
1 package shredded mozzarella cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cut bread loaf on a diagonal into 1-inch thick pieces.

In a bowl, mix the tomato paste and water. Add the water little by little and stir completely before adding more water. Once you get to your desired consistency of pizza sauce, add the seasoning and garlic.

Next step is to assemble the pizzas on a baking sheet. Spread 1-2 tablespoons of sauce on each slice of bread. Top with cheese and tomato slices. Place in oven for 10-12 minutes until cheese is melted and bread is crusty.



Yum Yucky said...

NOM! It looks delicious. No pizza for me from now until year-end, but this alternative looks pretty snazzy.

TrainerTiff said...

Thanks, you'll have to try it some time after New Year!