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TrainerTiff: Mixed Berries Protein Milkshake >

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mixed Berries Protein Milkshake

Lately, I've been on sort of a kick, experimenting with different ingredients to make tasty protein shakes. The most common complaint that I hear from clients is that protein shakes taste gross. Granted, some powders aren't that great and you have to endure a little trial and error to find a brand that you like.

However, with a little creativity, you can make a protein shake that tastes just like a dessert. Win win!

This shake comes out tasting just like a fruity, delicious milkshake. The recipe is pretty basic, but the addition of açai makes it unique. If you're unfamiliar, açai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berries come from açai palm trees that are native to Central and South America. These little berries are high in antioxidants (more than pomegranates and blueberries), omega fatty acids and fiber. They even have protein. You can find them at natural food stores or Whole Foods.

If you're looking for a spin to your usual shake, check this out.

1 cup almond milk*
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 açai frozen smoothie packet
3/4 cup frozen mixed berries

Directions: Place all ingredients into blender. Blend for 30-60 seconds until all the fruit is smooth, but not long enough to where the heat from the blender starts to melt the frozen berries.

*For post-workout almond milk based shakes, I typically opt for a sweetened variety of almond milk because we actually do need to replace our glycogen (sugar) stores after a workout. This is the only time I recommend having sweetened almond milk. If you're having a protein smoothie during the day for a snack or meal (and not after a workout), then I would advise the plain, unsweetened variety of almond milk.


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