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TrainerTiff: Workout: 500 Reps Total Body Circuit >

Monday, September 10, 2012

Workout: 500 Reps Total Body Circuit

Are you ready for a challenge?

This workout consists of 10 exercises that you do for 50 reps for each. Perform the warm-up which adds on 150 reps to the workout, then do each of the exercises as quickly as you can while maintaining proper form.

Since this is a circuit, try not to rest too much between exercises -- aim for no more than 30 seconds. Now, because this routine is a bit tough, you might have to take small breaks in order to complete all 50 reps of each move -- that's fine.

Clock how long it takes you to get through the workout and use that as your starting point. Each time you do this routine, try to get through it in less time.

Jumping jacks
Jumping rope
Alternating lunges with arm extension

Front squats with overhead press
Push-ups with rotation
Tire flips
Stiff-legged deadlifts with hammer curls
Bentover rows
Overhead tricep extensions
Stability ball knee tucks
Ab circles
Side leg lifts
Russian twists


Angelique said...

Sweet! Love video. You are in my collection of video work outs. Lol.

Unknown said...

Thx. I really am never sure what I'm doing when excercising. I really need to start feeling healthy and strong. So I am gonna give this a shot.

Unknown said...

Thx. I really am never sure what I'm doing when excercising. I really need to start feeling healthy and strong. So I am gonna give this a shot.

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