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TrainerTiff: 10 Days, 10 Rules Slim-Down >

Sunday, June 3, 2012

10 Days, 10 Rules Slim-Down

Every now and then, even I, need to get tough on myself. My maintenance diet with an indulgence here and there has involved a few more indulgences than I intended. So, I've decided to get strict on myself for ten days.

To start a program, sometimes it's helpful to get into it and be very specific as to what you're eating and what you're doing for exercise.

Below, are the ten rules I'll be following for the next ten days from Monday, June 4 through Wednesday, June 14. If you're looking to start a program or fine tune your diet and exercise plan, join along with me! Are you up for the challenge?

Follow me on Twitter @trainertiff for my meal updates, workouts and overall progress. Let me know how you're doing as well. At the end of the ten days, I'll put up a post on how things went along with my food logs.

This starts tomorrow, June 4. Good luck!

1.  Eat a small meal every 3-4 hours which will be about 5-6 small meals each day.
2.  No processed food.
3.  No dairy.
4.  No added sugar.
5.  Drink a minimum of 2 liters of water each day.
6.  No dining out.
7.  Exercise every day.
8.  Limit starchy carbs -- one serving each day and none in the evening.
9.  Get minimum protein requirements each day.
10. No alcohol.

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